Flyers and Postcards
Starting at $24.11

  • Printed on Premium 14pt. Cardstock
  • Matte, UV2, and UV1 Gloss
  • Custom 5th Color Options
  • Custom Finishing Options
  • Super-Fast Turnaround
  • Single or Double-sided Printing
  • Printed on Premium 14pt. Cardstock
  • Matte, UV2, and UV1 Gloss
  • Custom 5th Color Options
  • Custom Finishing Options
  • Super-Fast Turnaround
  • Single or Double-sided Printing


Postcards are card that can be sent without an envelope. These cards contain a picture on one side and a space on the other for the sender’s message and stamp. These cards are often used to send short messages that are not private or do not contain important information. Because these picture cards contain images on one side, they can be a great business promotional tool.

Uses of Postcards in Business Advertising

Companies can use these picture cards to promote their business. Instead of images of historical sites, flowers and other random images, companies can have their company logo and name printed on the postcards that they are about to use as advertising handouts. This way, the postcards that are to be sent to different locations around the world will bear the identity of the company. This will greatly extend the reach of the advertising campaign of the company.

Because people from different places can see the name and contact information of the company, they will be able to contact the latter if ever they get interested in the company and the products that they offer. This will also make the company seem larger because of the extent of their advertising campaign.

Design Templates

Design your flyers and postcards right the first time by using a template. Our templates are setup accurately assuring your print job is produced properly. To download, click the download template button below:

Download Template

Ordering & Artwork Setup Guide

Step 1. Choose Product

  • If you can not find the product you are looking for submit a custom quote here

Step 2. Select Product Options

  • Size
  • Color
  • Turnaround Time
  • Coating
  • Etc.

Step 3. Add Product to Shopping Cart

  • You will see an instant price for all listed products
  • Click the Add To Cart Button

Step 4. Review Shopping Cart

  • Name Your Job
  • Select Shipping Method
  • Add Any Special Instructions
  • Once Satisfied Click The Checkout Button or Continue Shopping

Step 5. Payment Page

  • Select Billing Address
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  • Review and Accept Terms/Conditions
  • Click Complete Button

Step 6. Upload Files

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  • Files Are At A 3rd Party Download Source (i.e. ftp, dropbox, sendspace)
* Click a price and the quantity in the calculator will update to match what you selected.